Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Rise Of Networked Power - 1927 Words
The rise of ‘networked power’ in the 20th Century information society can be understood to be driven by communicative power. The shift in instructive to ‘interactive communication’, creates new social and political communities and consequently requires new and dependable regulation. With the convergence of varying media platforms there has been a consequent erosion of technical boundaries, allowing power issues to arise such as how to regulate and to what extent. Governments often regulate to prevent freedom of speech being abused and regulation occurs through the exercise of power. Regulation occurs in three ways, either by the state, market or by cultural norms and expectations. This is important as through this paper although regulation in Australia is currently judiciary and through the state, there can be seen a consistent link between the state and market that currently influence regulation. Luke’s acknowledges the need to ‘identify the powerful in order to fix responsibility’. Currently in Australia as a result of the tangled web of network switching power, responsibility for errors that occur in the media can result in lack of blame and difficult to pinpoint who is at fault. Luke’s’ expands on this stating moral responsibility for decisions made and political responsibility for setting agenda are at conflict when determining power source. That is the government or market. Castells construction of meaning is though communication networks that format and frameShow MoreRelatedCyber Defense Concerns On Global Security983 Words  | 4 Pages$7.7 million a year and rising (Ponemon Institute, 2015). The second concern for a state is the rise of cyber warfare against states as well as corporations both international and local businesses. The final concern facing global and national security is state sponsored activities. These three concerns are the leading factors for cyber defense in global security. 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